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Circuit Theory By A.chakrabarti Free Download Pdf Parglen


How does circuit theory and network analysis impact the students of electrical engineering? Download Circuit Theory A Chakrabarti in pdf format from multiple sources listed on Circuit Theory A Chakrabarti An abstract of the book Circuit Theory and Network : WBUT By S. P. Ghosh, A. K. Chakraborty Book Free DownloadQ: Why it's required to use Json instead of array while sending string from server to client? I'm working on a social networking app and I need to send a message from a PHP server to a mobile. My question is, why it's required to use Json instead of simple array? This is the line where I use array : $.post('sendMessage.php', {to: userId, msg: msg}).done(function(data) { and this is where I use Json : $.post('sendMessage.php', {to: userId, msg: msg, type: 'json'}).done(function(data) { A: From a developer's perspective, JSON is preferable for the same reason that JSON is preferred for data interchange between the browser and the server, and JSON is the protocol (as opposed to, say, a plain string) for communicating between a server and a client. From a developer's perspective, the app is sending a string, but the language used to construct the string is treated as if it's a more complex data structure, such as an array or a class. So, if an array is called "to", the developer has to know that "to" is actually an array of user ids. (Even worse is if the array contains an array of strings, the developer needs to know that the array contains two nested arrays.) From a client perspective, a JSON object is simply easier to read and easier to implement on the client. The client doesn't need to parse the string and convert it into an array, it can just simply parse the JSON object directly. (Of course, if you need to implement the parsing logic on the client side, you may as well just use an array.) From a programmer's perspective, the language syntax isn't the point of the argument. The argument is that if you are using a language (e.g. JavaScript) that has both a native JSON object and a native string construct, you're better off using the language object. Also, from be359ba680

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